Wednesday, September 11, 2019


9/11/19 -- It has been a very long time since my last post.  I will offer zero excuses.  There has been a lot of stuff going on.  I did some dog/house sitting for different families.  Earlier, this year, the end of June/beginning of July one family was gone for 2 weeks so I lived at their house for that time frame to take care of their dog.  During this time frame I was dog sitting i was also working for the printing company, but I thoroughly enjoyed taking care those dogs.  The problem is this family moved to Michigan, so I won't be taking care of those dogs, anymore.  I am very bummed about that too.  I really really enjoyed watching those dogs, too, especially since it was like a vacation.  They lived in the woods and their house was pretty good size, and roomy.  I really liked the location of that house and that I could take a shower in a very roomy bathtub/shower.  Plus, I really liked the peace and quiet of the location.  Their dogs were awesome too.
This is one of their dogs, her name is Stella.  She is quite a pup.  She always laid between my legs when i would sit on the couch with the foot rest up.  I am glad that i have some pictures of these dogs.  I even had those pictures printed and magnets made out of them.
  One other dog that I recently dog sat for, passed away.  Her name was Molly and she was an older dog that had found her way to her owners, 14 years prior.  She had some sort of seizure an hour after they returned from visiting their oldest daughter, about 4 and half hours north of here.  The seizure was worse than the first she had just a couple days earlier in the week.  She was a great dog.  She was always excited whenever I went there to see her.  She always slept just outside the room that i was sleeping in and was ready to eat or go to out whenever I got up.  As much as I am a cat person, I very much enjoy dogs, especially when they love on me too.  
This is Molly and she passed away 2 weeks ago.  I am so sad along with her owners.  They had to put her to "sleep" to put an end to her pain that was caused by the seizures.