Saturday, November 30, 2019


11/30/19 -- Well, needless to say, my son has finally pissed me off!  I have sent him messages and getting zero responses to a great majority of them, including one that includes wanting to making arrangements to pick up a leather coat and his acoustic bass guitar.  I then sent him a different message showing how am currently feeling about his lack of response to my text messages; he accused me of baiting him into a conversation that we have already had!  He is being so blinded, I believe, by whatever his wife is telling him!  I am so sick and tired of this crap!  I have officially done, playing whatever game she is playing with him;  I am no longer going to play with her!  I gave him two weeks to, originally, gave him 2 wks to make arrangements to either pick up or to meet to get it, or I am going to give it to someone who will take care of it, or sell.  This time, however, I told him that he has 1 week, to either pick up or make arrangements to get, or I am getting rid of it, however I see fit.  
    Mom, told me that I could sell the leather coat and keep the money.  I do believe that is what I am going to do, if I don't hear from him, whose being a hypocrite!
  I was actually trying to encourage a simple  response to my texts messages.  He has zero excuse for not responding to messages, regardless what they are.  He is being rude, disrespectful, and dishonoring of me, his mom!  So, I have decided to put a stop to my messages, since that seems to be what he thinks.....although, I think that Leesa has something to do with it, that is what is irritating, to me.  I have even decided to give a doll that i was saving for my little granddaughter, to another adorable little girl, because I don't know that I will be able to give this doll to her, my granddaughter, that is.