Saturday, August 22, 2020

True Colors

 8/22/20 -- Ok, So I am so upset!!!!! and that is the understatement of the year!!!  So, last night, I was talking to my, so called boyfriend.  So, he tells me that the "drill plate" on the oil rig that he has been working.{allegedly}  This drill plate, is a very expensive piece of equipment, and he claimed that he didn't know how he was going replace that piece of equipment.

  So, guess what?? The other "shoe dropped!"  He asked me for money to help him raise the money for the equipment he has to purchase!  How is it my responsibility to help him come up with the money to replace that drill plate?!  We have been talking via google hangouts for a couple weeks and he want to try to blame me for the contract being breached because he didn't build in a way to compensate for equipment failure and replacement.  I don't think so!!  I swear, I must look gullible or desperate, neither of which I am, on my Instagram profile.  I don't understand why these men think that it's a dating site, cause it's not!  I am not on there looking for men, period end of story, yet these men look for someone, come across me and figure that I am desperate enough to fall for their sweet talk and whatever else.  Well, I don't and I am even onto their game even before they try to play. 

  Oh, and at the same time, I was talking to another guy, on google hangouts, and he tried putting me in the middle of him and another guy.  The alleged plan was to have this other man, pass along money to me (via auto transfer, into my bank account) then tell me (supposedly before the transfer is complete) how I am supposed to get the money to him.  Now, mind you, I have a bank account that is separate account from my everyday use, account.  However, I have zero intent on being suckered into something that really sound fishy.  I let him know that, but then he tries playing the guilt trip, which doesn't work on me.  I have been talking to these guys strictly online and somehow they think I should automatically trust them enough to give them what I don't have or do something that I don't feel comfortable doing.  I don't understand that, at all.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 8/19/20 -- Well, for the umpteenth time, I was contacted by a man off of the social platform, Instagram.  There have been quite the number of men who have contacted me via Instagram, claiming that they want to become serious, with me.  These men have all, pretty much, have contacted me and ended up wanting money from me, in one way, shape or form.  They all, have pretty much have just attempted to get money from me, then would stop talking to me when I would consistently tell them "NO"!

  Well, this man also contacted via Instagram, however this man actually called me after I first acknowledged his first contact.  I have actually talked to him several times via hangouts.  This man sounds great, he has a wonderfully deep voice and I am seriously turned on when I listen to him speak.  He has even, already proposed to me!!  I didn't quite now how to respond when he asked me.  Let me just say, that even though I am falling for him, I am still somewhat prepared for that "other shoe to drop"!  I do have my doubts about there actually being another "shoe to drop" but one just never knows. LOL


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


8/12/20 -- Ok, so there is this married couple that lives upstairs and across the hall from me, that have the strangest dynamic.  I have been more involved with their lives, by their choice.  I met them a couple of years after they had moved in the same building as I live in.  She is the older of the two of them and quite independent and very outspoken.  He is just shy 10 yrs younger, than her.   I don't even know where to begin with these two.  OMG, these two make the weirdest/strangest pair.  They seem to be so attached to each other.  It has been quite eye opening to see how these two interact with each other.  They reveal so much to me that it can be overwhelming.  They even go into their "bedroom" and tell me what has been going on.  Things that I don't necessarily need to know.  I do try to help them, I give them advice/suggestions, however what they do with that is completely up to them.  The thing that I have found is that the man is definitely not a "strong" man, as I would picture a man to be.  Yet, she is.  She is way stronger than he is and way more controlling than she is.  She controls the money and even a lot of what he does.  She also has quite the photographic memory, which is, at times, annoying!  She complete amazing to me, just how much she remembers!  I sometimes wonder if they aren't the cause of the headache that I have had over the several weeks. 

Friday, August 7, 2020


 7/7/20 -- Ok so, I do have a job.  The great thing about this job, is that, I work from home and when I have to leave, is to take a package to either USPS, UPS, OR FEDX.  The premise is; I have to sign into a website 3x a day to check if there are any packages coming my way.  Whenever, I get a package, I have to thoroughly check the package for the item in the package is intact and matches the packing list.  I have to upload pictures to the dashboard on the company's website then when the shipping address label is ready for download, I do that and put on the repackaged item and take it to where ever it's supposed to go for delivery to the customer.

  The salary is pretty good with the ability to earn a bonus with every package I successfully send out.