Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Reluctant Acceptance

3/24/20 -- In my last posting: I did a lot of complaining about this crap, going on.  I still don't like this entire situation but there are aspects that I do understand (sort of).  I am talking about the reaction to this Covid-19 virus.  I get this this is a serious virus, but more people have died from the flu, world wide than from this virus.  Not to mention that there are positive things going on that no one seems to be hearing about them.
  The Governor of my state is about to further restrict the movements of the state's people.  I read about it yesterday; he's supposed to make some sort of announcement, sometime today.  Then the new rules could take effect in the next day or two.  My home state has already done that.  We are allowed to visit family and go out for necessities but that's it.  
  I gotta admit that I REALLY, REALLY don't like it, period, end of story.  I am not the only one that doesn't agree with further restriction.  Yet, we have people who don't seem to get the severity of the version of the covid virus.  Even before this came about there are children and adults who don't bother to cover their nose and mouth when they sneeze or cough.  Not to mention the fact there are people that go to work even when they are sick, but then don't take the necessary precautions to make sure they don't get their co-workers sick.

Monday, March 16, 2020

3/16/20 -- I know that in my previous posting; I thoroughly expressed my frustration concerning the canceling of stuff, out of panic.  I now realize that the real reason I was and still upset by all this forced homedness, cause so many things have been cancelled.
   When I got home from visiting a friend, I looked at my phone and saw a text message that irritated me more because the small group/bible study was even cancelled, RIDICULOUS!!!!!  I was so mad that I threw the spoon that I was using.
   Now, I also see this situation as the perfect STORM for people who are like me, struggle with depression and don't want to return back to that dark place.  So, therefore, I have a couple of numbers that will be helpful to those in a dark place
   Please don't be afraid to make that call or if you know someone in potential trouble because of all that is going on, please call and get them help.
   Thank you so much

Sunday, March 15, 2020


3/15/20 -- This not the way that 2020 is supposed to be going.  I just don't agree that bringing the economy to a stop, is the answer to this virus.  I am not negating the seriousness of the virus, especially to those who are vulnerable to it, myself included.  However, panicking and buying up all the toilet paper is STUPID!  The virus is one that people should be purchasing lotion because they are washing their hands so much or using hand sanitize so much.  I don't think that causing a shortage on basic necessities so no-one else has access to them is just flat out stupid!!!!  Even during a normal cold kleenexes should be bought up and lotion cause of washing hands all the time.  Apparently, there are way too many people who have forgotten how to use their common sense and NOT get caught up in the media frenzy.
   Now, I can understand minimizing the size of large groups but canceling smaller gatherings, all together is ridiculous, in my book.  The church that I attend doesn't even have 250 people attending on a regular Sunday, so why was it cancelled?!  I really don't get it.  However, I can't do anything about it.  Which is ok, I guess.  Although, I was looking forward to going because I need the interaction with other people, preferable people I know and am comfortable with.
Someone suggested that I attend a church that is open and I would but I am not completely comfortable with the one church and the other one I am not comfortable with just showing up too, having never been there before.
  I wasn't able to go anywhere for a long while due the my car being in serious need of repair, that got fixed, went to church a couple times then got sick and wasn't able to go anywhere for a couple more weeks, then i go cause I am better: and now this stupid virus and people overreacting.