Saturday, October 27, 2018


10/27/18 -- Why do some people have to be such jerks, with zero provocation?  There is this woman in the building that I live in, that seems to constantly, want to cause trouble with everyone.  For the longest time, she would only speak directly to my upstairs neighbors, one of which, is my friend.  This morning I woke up to a series of messages on Facebook messenger, from her.  She managed to find me then thought she would get a rise out of me by the accusatory messages, she sent.  Well, I decided to be the better person, and NOT give her the dignity of responding to her.  I then proceeded to block her so she can't continue to message me nor will she be able to call.  Then I decided to report her as harassing me because I know that was her intent and to get a rise out of me.
  The thing of it is, the things that she is accusing me of are the things that she actually does!  That is the ironic thing.
  I don't ever pretend to be perfect in anything let alone in being a Christian, however she most definitely isn't either.  I don't pretend or profess anything.  I do my best to live out what I believe, knowing full well that I am failing because I am human, God is forgiving so long as we try, with his help.
  I want so much to tell this woman off, but at the same time I don't and refuse to stoop to her level.

Friday, October 26, 2018

News Already!

10/26/18 -- So, in my last post I mentioned that my car is broken and unsafe to drive.  Originally, the plan was for me to borrow a truck.  The truck that I have borrowed in the past on a couple of different occasions.  The truck was to be delivered today; well I received all call that instead of borrowing the truck I will be getting a car.  Someone is purchasing a 2004 Nissan Sentra for me and just giving me the car.  Talk about a God thing!  This is a God thing because I had zero idea what i was going to do.  I have zero money saved up, so I don't even know I would have been able to  solve this problem.
   This video really came to mind as I was confronted with this issue of a broken car.  I am not saying that I was depressed due to this situation, but I kept remembering that "God Only Knows" my life, my situation, therefore he only knows hows to solve my problems.  I am so thankful for the fact that I didn't have to go long at all before a vehicle was provided.
  I am thankful for the "body of Christ" and the obedient person who is purchasing the car from whom it is being sold, then gifting it to me.  I will have a vehicle that won't have to make payments.  To top it all off, it is way more gas efficient than my current car.     
   I don't know that color, or even if it a 4-door or 2-door but I do know the year, make, and model.  Also, I won't have to put any money into it, right away.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


10/24/18 -- So, I was finally able to make it to a new Chiropractor, for me.  Last evening I was able to get into the Chiropractor instead of this morning.  I was hurting so bad, it was painful to breath.  Last night was the first appt., so there is the x-rays and filling out paperwork, and range of motion testing.  The only thing that he actually did last night was electric stimulation which was decided to relax the muscles surrounding the very painful area, in my back.  However, I was also scheduled to come in this morning, too.  This morning was the, going over the x-rays and the adjustment.  There is definitely more time to spend at the chiro. in order to get things in a much better order.
  To top things off, my mom informs me she she was in the ER (this was Monday evening)she spent the night in the hospital due to the high fever she had when she got to the ER.  The ER trip was the third on in as many months.  The can seem to get things figured out.  There has been a trip to her regular dr. so there is a working on of the issues that have been found out.  She was sent home with a prescription for antibiotics for 5 days cause they seem to think that she has an infection, given the condition of her white count, but they can find where in her body it is.  She now has an appt. with a cardiologist, next week.
  This is the "cherry on top" - I took my car to my mechanic, so he could take a look at it.  There has been a shimmy going on in the rear end.  Unfortunately, he didn't have good news for me.  The rear, left wheel assembly is no longer attached to the frame of the car, it rusted away.  The left tire is attached to the axle and there is still some attachment, but it isn't, at all, safe for me to drive, especially long distance.  The mechanic said the if I took it easy, I could get away with driving a short way, out of town, to continue to babysit my 9yr old.

Monday, October 22, 2018

It Has Been Way Too Long......

10/11/18 -- There has been so much going on and I feel like I have taken way to long of a break from the computer.  I really just haven't wanted to be on the computer, not sure really as to why.
  I am so way frustrated with my son, because after the conversation we had, at my dad's memorial service, there hasn't been much movement in the visiting, that he promised.  I have been texting him, anywhere from weekly, to bi-weekly, to more often.  I have said a variety of things to encourage conversation, like for him to call me, but to zero avail.  So, freakin irritating.  My last resort is for me to actually pick up the phone and call him rather than text, to see what happens.  I haven't done that, yet.
   There is a lot of stuff going on in this apartment complex, thanks to one particular resident that just like to cause problems because her life isn't going all that well.
  There is drama in this building that I would much rather avoid, completely.  I really wish I could just pick up and move, up closer to my son and his family, 3 hours north west of where I am now.  I just am not quite sure how to go about doing that as I have zero job up there, let alone a place to live.  I doubt there is anywhere temporary that I could move due to the whole cat thing.  I currently have 3 cats so I don't know quite how that I would work.
  Oh, then there's another death that is going to happen soon, in my family.  You see, so far, my youngest sister past away last Labor Day, then my dad dies in April, oh and my Aunt dies in July-ish, the next one is my Uncle.  My youngest Aunt's husband has been diabetic, and over the last several months, to years, has declined in health, more by his choice than the natural progression of the disease, to a certain extent.  You see, a number of years ago, his eyesight began failing to the point that he needed to have special computer monitor or equipment to enlarge the print on the monitor.  He didn't want any of the assistance.  He has been depressed but won't take advantage of talking to anyone, not even his own wife.  I just don't understand the stubbornness.  Yes, Yes, I know that men can be pretty darn stubborn with regards to their own health, then demonstrate how big of a "baby" they can really be when they do get sick.
  My Uncle got so bed that he wouldn't get out of bed and do anything for himself.  He got sick to the point of needing to put into the hospital, and currently is in the nursing facility/hospice.  According to my Aunt, he has refused any more dialysis, anymore medical treatment, and eating.  So, it's only a matter of time before he dies.  I really am not looking forward to that inevitability.  In my mind this is something that he could reverse, if he wanted to but he has lost the will to live, I don't get it as neither does his wife.
  When my other Aunt died, it just so happened that I had 2 complete weeks off from both jobs.  I won't have that luxury this time around.  I am currently off for one job but I have to work all day on Friday, for the second job.  The second job is typical 3-5pm Monday-Wednesday, and Friday but this Friday there is no school so therefore, I will babysit all day.


8/26/18 -- I gotta say that there are times that neighbors absolutely get on my nerves!!!
There is this couple upstairs and across the hall from me, they have chosen me as their confidante and counselor for their marriage. On the one hand I haven't really minded but there are times that I seriously do mind.  One of those times is when it's late and they won't leave me alone.  They both came down and talked to me yesterday, but he came down just as I was about to get into the shower and then she came down a few minutes later to hash out the thing that happened that made her mad.  When I was told what happened I laughed because everyone who does anything like bake or cook, in a kitchen has made such mistakes.  However, after she got up and left, he lingered because he wasn't done talking.  We talked about such a wide variety of things, cause this man cannot stay on topic, to save his butt!!!  However, it seems that is all ends up coming back full circle in some strange way.
  She seems to think that she has me fooled into thinking that I believe 100% what she says and that every disagreement is all his fault.  Oh, but she is sadly mistaken because they both are at fault!!  It takes to two make a marriage and keep a marital household but in her mind, it seems, that he should do everything (or pretty much everything)  because she works the most hours.  They both work at the same retail store, but in different departments, different stores, and hours.  Altho, he has recently transferred to her store due to the way things have been going in the current store, that he has been working in.
  Sorry for the delay in posting this.