Sunday, July 30, 2017

Such is Life

7/30/17 -- Accompanied my mom to the hospital, visit my little sister, yesterday.  She is doing better than when I saw her on Tuesday.  That is such a good thing.  She does have her spunk back, that is always good.
  I am scheduled to have carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel release surgery, on the 9th of August.  I then had to find someone that would take me to the hospital and take me home; that I have found.  There is one person that I emailed, but she is already booked, so I found someone else.  Mom is say that she could if I really needed her too but I really didn't want to do that because she has a lot on her plate.  At this point, we don't know where my little sister will be because it looks like she will be there another couple of days but I am really hoping that she will not have to be released too early.  Evidently, "medically ready" and really being ready aren't the same thing, where she is concerned, most likely others too.
Also, the social service woman is looking into 2 other nursing facilities, one that is about half way between us and her, but a small town off the the east of us.   The other place they are looking into, is a place that is in the same town that I live in, which will take some of the pressure off mom.  My middle sister is just on the outer edge of the town that I live in, which means that her and I could visit my little sister (if she were to be placed in this nursing home) and mom wouldn't have to come up as often.
  I gotta say that I am not overly looking forward to this surgery cause it's on my dominate hand, I am left handed and that is the hand and elbow that have to be operated on.  Evidently, I will be in a sling for two weeks, after the surgery. I won't be able to move my arm for that long.  That is going to complicate my life just a smudge. Ok maybe more than just a smidge, ha.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Here We Go Again

7/26/17 -- My youngest sister is back in the Hospital!  She had been released last Thursday, and sent home, due to the fact that no nursing facility within the range that mom gave the Social Worker, to look, would take her.  So anyway, mom and the CNAs were doing pretty good taking care of my sister, including spending the night.  However, late Sunday night (mom had spent the night) and was waking her up every couple of hours to see if she would eat, and drink a little something.  According to mom, around midnight mom went to wake up my sister, and she couldn't wake her up and she was have a very difficult time breathing.  At that point, mom called the EMTs and they took her to the ER, in my home town.  Then by 5am she was on her way to the same hospital that she had spent 3 weeks in.
  Her kidneys seem to be functioning ok enough that dialysis isn't needed, at this point.  Their other concern is avoiding putting the breathing tube back in her, so she is on a bipap machine, that she needs all the time, at this point.  They are watching her kidneys, as well.  Mom and I spent all day, yesterday, in the hospital visiting my sister, by the time we got home I wasn't going to Bible study.
  My sister pretty much slept the whole time we were there.  My middle sister showed up in the latter part of the afternoon, to take her shift.  I couldn't go today cause I had an appointment, I have one tomorrow, and another for my car, on Friday, so I won't be able to see my sister til, Saturday.  Mom ended up not going cause her vehicle was not behaving very nicely.  She has to have the muffler replaced.  I am having a brake job and tune up done on my car, on Friday.  Today's appointment was for Occupational Therapy, and tomorrow is a Dr. Appointment following up the appointment from two weeks ago.  To see what is to happen, as far as, my wrist.  
  Oh, and I am still without a job, which is quite annoying, bothersome, and whatever other word you want to attach to it.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Still Learning

7/21/17 -- There are still so many things that I am still learning about myself, since the worst time in my life.
Even tho I have pretty much conquered the "worst time in my life", there is still the potential for me to fall back into it.  That is something that I have been fighting against; yet its not too difficult because I have the ways to combat that.
  I have been dealing with this company who claims that it's real and legit but yet there is some info that it's been requesting that I know darn well it doesn't need to have access to, to accomplish an automatic deposit.  The man and I have bickered over this info for the last two days and I finally won, I think.  The question is, "am I really still "employed" with this company.  They had initially sent me a check to be deposited but my bank wouldn't deposit it because they believe that it's a fake check and a scam.  That much I don't blame them, at all.  I have my doubts especially after them asking for info that I know darn well they don't need in order to do an automatic deposit. 
  I have taken precautions to protect what little money that I so that if they "deposit" and try to "withdraw" they will only be taking what is theirs, no mine.
  All of this run around is annoying and I just want t work, yet supposedly this money is not only my paycheck but it's money to purchase equipment so I can be on the same machines and such along with the rest of the company.  So, I just don't know.  This is the first time that I just can't quite make heads or tail of this.  The last couple of times, someone tried to take advantage of me, it was quite easy and plain to see, this one not so much.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

My Little Sister

7/20/17 -- Well, my little sister gets to come home today!
None of the skilled care facilities would accept her, which I think is totally stupid, but oh well. She is actually going back to her apartment.  Everything is all set up for her to go home - a lift was delivered on Tuesday, and her CNAs will be there to help her and mom is the fill in.  I think that my sister will recover just fine at home.
  Yesterday, I spent the day with my second favorite family. I got some very special twin baby boys time.  I got to hold each boy for extended periods of time.  I got home by 7:30ish, and I had a bunch of fun.  I am looking forward to being able to see and spend time with them and spending the night.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Not Sure

7/18/17 -- I gotta say that I have this "job" and I am not quite sure, yet, just how legitimate that it is.  By that I mean, how real it is.  This job is strictly online and conversing with my supervisor strictly via email or google hangouts, is rather different.  On the surface, this looks like a job that I really want and would like because I get to work from home, which isn't a bad thing especially when it comes to winter time.  On the other hand, this just sounds, sort of, not real.  First I get a check that my bank won't cash cause to them it doesn't look real, which i don't blame them, cause I sort of have my doubts, too.  Which means I don't know quite to do about this.  We have come to a compromise, in that he's is sending out a a form to fill out for auto deposit, but I am still going to play it smart and make sure what little money that i have isn't anywhere near that account.  That way when anything happens either deposit or an attempt at a withdrawal, they would only be taking their money, not mine.  This way I am safe.
  I am so thankful that my sister is out of the woods, with how sick she was.  She is medically ok'd to leave the hospital, so it's just a matter of finding a skilled care facility that will allow her to stay with them a while, til she gets her strength back enough to move back home.  There is the possibility that she could go home from the hospital because, all the skilled care facilities have turned them down, as far as taking my sister in, no real reasons given.  I think that they are afraid of DJ and the care she would need.  With the Nephrostomy tubes have to be flushed a couple times a day, that may be the issue.  Mom doesn't want to travel any farther than Lena, so who knows, she may have do choice but to go home.  We still haven't heard as to whether will take her in or not.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Here we go.......

7/13/17 -- So, this afternoon, I made a quick trip to the Orthopedic dr. for a recheck on my left wrist and elbow.  We are pretty sure there will be surgery on my left hand but we decided to wait another 2 weeks to see if the occupational therapy would do any more to avoid the surgery on my elbow too.
  Any way, I was weighed and after coming home and checking out some other records, I have discovered that I have lost 15lbs! I am so thankful and I plan on keeping up the progress.  With my sister being in a major learning hospital, about an hour, away from me, gave mom and I the need to walk quite a ways just to get to the correct elevator that lead to my sister's room.  It felt like we walked several miles every time we went to visit her.  Now, she is in a regular room, out of TLC (UW Madison's version of  ICU) which is such an awesome thing.  She was recently taken off thickened liquids and I know that she is so very grateful because those nectar thickened liquids aren't very tasty.  Plus, because of her kidneys they have restricted her salt intake so her food also tastes bland.  However, she is on fluid restrictions which means the milkshake that my other sister is taking up to her can only be a very small one.
  I recently started a job that I just can't believe I have.  It is strictly a online job, unless I want to move to Australia, which (honestly) doesn't sound like a bad idea, haha.  The person that hired me is living in Rhode Island.  The company seems to be legitimate due to the fact that there hasn't been one request for money from me, and the tasks that have been given to me, so far, have been along the line of real.  I am still kinda leary but have positive hopes and feelings about it.  The are paying me for the training, one amount, and after the training the amount goes up.  I pray and hope that this is the job that I have really wanted for a long time. For a change, it sounds possible that I will finally be able to make the kind of money that I have wanted without leaving my apartment.  All the while taking a computer class to get better at what I need to know about Microsoft Word, Excel, spreadsheets, power point and such like that.

Monday, July 10, 2017

I Strongly Despise This.......

7/10/17 -- I have been informed that my sister is not going to need dialysis, apparently the drs all feel that her numbers are fine, that her kidneys are processing the toxins fine.  Praise God!!!  They are even looking at moving her out of the TLC unit and into a regular room.  I am so thankful, grateful, that she is improving so quickly now that she is out of the critical stage.  It sure took a long time to get things under control.
  Now I just have to conquer this joblessness.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


7/9/17 -- As of yesterday and this afternoon, my youngest sister is off life support and eating thickened liquids and softened foods.  As a result of these improvements, my mom decided that today would be her day off from driving back and forth.  I was fine with that as I wasn't going up anyway cause I really need to continue to go to church to keep up with my faith.  
  I won't be going up tomorrow either because  I have two appts.; one for my car, and the other Occupational Therapy for my left elbow.  I will also need to take advantage of the time and go fill out some paperwork at the county building so I hopefully get some help for rent and, at least, one utility bill.
  My middle sister is up visiting our sister right now, I don't know how long she will be there, but I think that we will begin alternating days that are spent up there since she is on the up an up of recovery.  However, she does have a very long road, baring any unseen complications, every other day for mom and I and my middle sister, will make things easier.
  These last two weeks have been grueling and scary, in many aspect.  There was plenty of times when we thought she wouldn't make it.  It wasn't til after the dialysis started that we began to see an improvement.  She started off on continuous dialysis but the machine kept clotting and shutting down, so they stopped that and for the moment, anyway, they are giving her a break.  Her kidney are producing urine but not enough in comparison to the fluids they are putting into her; however, her kidneys aren't cleaning the blood before it gets back into her body.  Therefore, they will be doing dialysis, using the regular machine which will clean the blood faster and get rid of the access fluid quicker, as well.  They are confident her bp (blood pressure) can handle it now that they have it stabilized.  They are going to keep an eye on her numbers, that they get from the blood they draw on a regular basis.
  This whole no job thing is tough but not as though as the prospect of loosing my sister, which thankfully doesn't look like is going to happen.  We have all had so many people praying for my little sister and the same amount have been praying for us.  There are a few that have been building me up in prayer, too, as they know what I have been thru and want to guard against me going backwards.
  Thankfully, my dad has returned to the nursing home, after a couple of days in the hospital due to a choking spell and aspiration pneumonia.  However, now the dr. is concerned about is swallowing, so dad is on nectar thickened liquids and his food has to cut up into small pieces so he doesn't take such big bites or inhale his food.

Friday, July 7, 2017


7/7/17 -- Oh my, what a week!! The first couple of days of this week, I don't think mom and I thought my sister was going to pull out of this.  She hadn't really woke up and when she did, it seemed like she wasn't really seeing us, at all.  One Wednesday, mom and I were sitting beside her and crying cause we just didn't think she would pull out of it.  My  middle sister joined us for a meeting with the head Dr. to get the full assessment of what's been going on and some possible future scenarios for her.  During this conversation dialysis was mention, something like continuous dialysis because the drs weren't sure her bp could handle it.  They had been having trouble keeping her bp stable, but since they have been giving her cortisol they have been able to back off and stop the meds they had been using to keep her bp up and sort of stable.
  With the cortisol her bp has remained stable so now, they are considering making the switch from the continuous dialysis to the "normal" dialysis, the type that is done 3 days a week and it takes fluid off faster than the slower one.  They weren't able to take the breathing tube out because her hemoglobin count won't stay up.  They aren't willing the compromise her progress so they want to wait till the that hemoglobin stays stable.  The CT Scan they did this morning didn't show any internal bleeding so now they are thinking that whenever clotting happens in the dialysis machine, it shuts down.  Then the nurses have to throw away a significant amount of blood which then could very well be the reason for the hemoglobin drop.  Outside of that she was sleepier today then yesterday, when we were there.
  She was quite a wake and fiesty.  We were there when the Dr. made a second round talking with some interns we think; when he was done talking the dr came into the room to talk to us.  He was talking about the possibility of taking the breathing tube out, the next day; I had uncovered her hand and asked if she wanted to try to give the dr. a thumbs up.  The dr. then added that she could "flip" him off, if she wanted to:  that is exactly what she does! 😂  All of us just cracked up laughing, included the dr. and he leaves the room giving her the "hang loose" symbol with his hands.  To all of us that means the she was feeling better.  
  Mom and I left her last night, feeling like she had turned a good corner.  We were able to brush her hair, which felt good to her. I was able to remove the pony tail holders, the day before, using a scissors, and carefully maneuvering them away from her head so as to not hurt her.  My middle sister was able to get a nurse to help get our sister's hair cleaner than it had been and braided it. 
  I gotta say, I am so thankful for the many people I have been using as my prayer warriors, not only have they been praying for my sister but they have been praying for all of us, and some extra for me so I don't even remotely want to go into a dark place.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Not Allowing......

6/2/17 -- I have mentioned all of the things that are going on in my life, right now.  I will tell you that I am not allowing all that stuff worm it's way into my emotions to the point of cause depression to return!  Yes, all this stuff is bad but my sister is holder her own, the drs are doing their jobs and helping her in the best ways they know how.  My dad is in a Nursing Home but there is nothing that can be done about that and it doesn't pay to worry about it.  It is very difficult for me to see him there but it is what it is.  Here's the truth, I have reached out to my friends and prayer warriors, they are praying for my sister and mom, as well as, myself.  Keeping in touch with my friends and them keeping in touch with me, keep me accountable.  
  The biggest thing for me is that I know that God is in complete control.  He knows exactly what is going on, yes he could take charge and remove us from the situation like perform a miracle, yet He is with us.  You see, there are times when He doesn't "remove His 'children' from the storm" but rather He is with is in the Storm.  He uses the bad things that happen as a tool to teach us something, perhaps to show someone else how we react to the situation so that we can be of help and encouragement to someone.  The things that we go thru are never easy but can be used as a tool to teach us and that we can use the experience as a means to be able to relate to someone else going thru something similar. 
  I feel so much stronger than I was when things fell apart between my son and I.  By no means has things gotten too much better, there is some communication, but not enough (in my opinion).  That is not to say that this isn't a very difficult time for me.  I really don't like seeing my little sister in the condition that she is in.  All those tubes, and lines coming out of her and her not being able to communicate because of being on the ventilator.  I do know that that drives her nuts.  She tries to do sign language but mom and I just don't read sign language at all.  My middle sister can but apparently not all that well, either that or my little sister just isn't able to be all that clear with her hands.
  Keeping God in the forefront is the most important for me.
Oh, did I mention that I don't have a job right now?!  Oh, yes I don't have a job and have been doing the job hunting thing for the last couple of weeks.  That in and of itself is very difficult but I do have some glimmer of hope in that I have applied for a job that starts out part-time and has the potential of becoming full-time; that is providing that the company wants me to come for an actual interview.  I interviewed with the employment agency that this company is working thru.  I am now "employed or registered" with 2 employment agencies I don't know if that is good or not, but it is what it is.  I need a job.  
  I am also looking at the prospect of taking some classes to learn more about the computer programs that most companies work with, Microsoft word, excel and suite.  Those seem to be the programs that Administrative assistants need to know, and I don't have those skills.  I was just starting to experiment with them when my last laptop crashed and the current one is an apple product.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

My Little Sister

7/1/17 -- This past week (since Monday) has been an interesting week.  It all started with my mom calling me, as I was sitting down to do some online job searching.  As soon as I answered the phone I could tell something was wrong!  She managed to get out my sister's name before she had to fight back crying so she could tell me what was going on.  She proceeded to explain to me that my sister had taken a turn for the worst since she was hospitalized sometime Sunday.  Evidently, she was having a difficult time breathing on her own so they had to intubate her, meaning put a breathing tube in her so they could help her breath better.  Also, she fought it which means that she was tied down, so that she wouldn't take the breathing tube out, on her own.  I, of course, then made a quick change and a quick trip down to my hometown hospital, so I could be there for my mom and my sister.  My middle sister was also due to join us, that surprised me but a very good thing.  Monday, just wasn't good because we weren't sure if my little sister would survive. It was scary, I mean the dr. was even talking about what we wanted to do if she took another turn for the worst, and mom said to not resuscitate because if she has to be on life support for the rest of her life, then we knew that she wouldn't want that for herself and mom said no because that just isn't her.
  The drs there managed to get her somewhat stabilized and there was talk about sending her to a "teaching hospital" cause they would have the equipment needed to further help her out. The one that is closest to us, didn't have an open bed, but had her name on a close to urgent waiting list.  My sister just looked so shocking to me, with the tubes doing in and coming out of her.  I have never seen her look so bad. 
  Now, she is currently in the closest "teaching hospital" which is the one that she was taken when she was born cause of the birth defect she has.  A bed came available in their ICU or as they call it TLC (which is Trauma, Life Support, Care unit) and boy oh boy, they are on top of everything she needs.  They did a CT scan and found that the tubes leading from her kidneys to her bladder are blocked which explains the infections that she has both in her blood and her ankle.
  Now, Wednesday evening they put tubes directly into her kidneys leading out of her body, so that her urine would drain out instead of being absorbed back into her tissues which is what had been happening causing her to be sick.  On Thursday they inserted a feeding tube so they could begin to get nutrition into her to aid in the healing process.  They are working on weaning her off the ventilator so that they will be able to go in and see what exactly is blocking those tubes and hopefully remove it.
  Mom and I have traveled together to this hospital but yesterday I wasn't able to go due to an interview in the opposite direction.  Mom did say that she was sitting up when she left.  My little sister, finally sitting up is a good thing because she hasn't sat up for 5 weeks due to being in bed, with a cast on her right ankle, but also because she said that it hurt to sit up.  It hurt in her abdominal area, she said whenever she sat up.  You see, in the weeks leading up to this, she had been having some issues with eating.  There were times when she ate that she would gag and puke, it didn't happen all the time, but it did happen often enough that she wouldn't want to eat because she didn't want to puke.  At time of the hospitalization, mom was wanting her aid to work towards getting her to be able to sit up and eventually go to the doctor but by this past Sunday, it was just time to go to the hospital cause it wasn't getting any better.
  Among all this, I have been unemployed for a couple of weeks and need to do at least 20 hours of job hunting activity and looking into taking a class or two that will aid in furthering my knowledge of computer programs, namely Word Excel, and Microsoft office, those types of things, for the type of job that I am seriously looking into.