Thursday, July 13, 2017

Here we go.......

7/13/17 -- So, this afternoon, I made a quick trip to the Orthopedic dr. for a recheck on my left wrist and elbow.  We are pretty sure there will be surgery on my left hand but we decided to wait another 2 weeks to see if the occupational therapy would do any more to avoid the surgery on my elbow too.
  Any way, I was weighed and after coming home and checking out some other records, I have discovered that I have lost 15lbs! I am so thankful and I plan on keeping up the progress.  With my sister being in a major learning hospital, about an hour, away from me, gave mom and I the need to walk quite a ways just to get to the correct elevator that lead to my sister's room.  It felt like we walked several miles every time we went to visit her.  Now, she is in a regular room, out of TLC (UW Madison's version of  ICU) which is such an awesome thing.  She was recently taken off thickened liquids and I know that she is so very grateful because those nectar thickened liquids aren't very tasty.  Plus, because of her kidneys they have restricted her salt intake so her food also tastes bland.  However, she is on fluid restrictions which means the milkshake that my other sister is taking up to her can only be a very small one.
  I recently started a job that I just can't believe I have.  It is strictly a online job, unless I want to move to Australia, which (honestly) doesn't sound like a bad idea, haha.  The person that hired me is living in Rhode Island.  The company seems to be legitimate due to the fact that there hasn't been one request for money from me, and the tasks that have been given to me, so far, have been along the line of real.  I am still kinda leary but have positive hopes and feelings about it.  The are paying me for the training, one amount, and after the training the amount goes up.  I pray and hope that this is the job that I have really wanted for a long time. For a change, it sounds possible that I will finally be able to make the kind of money that I have wanted without leaving my apartment.  All the while taking a computer class to get better at what I need to know about Microsoft Word, Excel, spreadsheets, power point and such like that.

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