Sunday, July 9, 2017


7/9/17 -- As of yesterday and this afternoon, my youngest sister is off life support and eating thickened liquids and softened foods.  As a result of these improvements, my mom decided that today would be her day off from driving back and forth.  I was fine with that as I wasn't going up anyway cause I really need to continue to go to church to keep up with my faith.  
  I won't be going up tomorrow either because  I have two appts.; one for my car, and the other Occupational Therapy for my left elbow.  I will also need to take advantage of the time and go fill out some paperwork at the county building so I hopefully get some help for rent and, at least, one utility bill.
  My middle sister is up visiting our sister right now, I don't know how long she will be there, but I think that we will begin alternating days that are spent up there since she is on the up an up of recovery.  However, she does have a very long road, baring any unseen complications, every other day for mom and I and my middle sister, will make things easier.
  These last two weeks have been grueling and scary, in many aspect.  There was plenty of times when we thought she wouldn't make it.  It wasn't til after the dialysis started that we began to see an improvement.  She started off on continuous dialysis but the machine kept clotting and shutting down, so they stopped that and for the moment, anyway, they are giving her a break.  Her kidney are producing urine but not enough in comparison to the fluids they are putting into her; however, her kidneys aren't cleaning the blood before it gets back into her body.  Therefore, they will be doing dialysis, using the regular machine which will clean the blood faster and get rid of the access fluid quicker, as well.  They are confident her bp (blood pressure) can handle it now that they have it stabilized.  They are going to keep an eye on her numbers, that they get from the blood they draw on a regular basis.
  This whole no job thing is tough but not as though as the prospect of loosing my sister, which thankfully doesn't look like is going to happen.  We have all had so many people praying for my little sister and the same amount have been praying for us.  There are a few that have been building me up in prayer, too, as they know what I have been thru and want to guard against me going backwards.
  Thankfully, my dad has returned to the nursing home, after a couple of days in the hospital due to a choking spell and aspiration pneumonia.  However, now the dr. is concerned about is swallowing, so dad is on nectar thickened liquids and his food has to cut up into small pieces so he doesn't take such big bites or inhale his food.

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