Friday, June 26, 2020

New Normal?

6/26/20 -- So, here we are a "so called" new normal.  What exactly does that mean?  I am pretty sure that it means something different for everyone and for every state.  For instance, where I live (the state of Wisconsin) we don't have to wear masks any more, however there are people that still do and that is fine with me.  I don't wear a mask but I am quite conscious of my surroundings and do my best to not breathe toward anyone, especially if we happened to be in close proximity to each other, like when passing each other in a grocery store isle.  I do wash my hands every time I get home for any place, where I didn't do that on a regular basis.
   I still don't have a job, which is quite annoying because I want to work but, I just can't seem to find a job.  Not even to just take temperatures at a warehouse or other place.  If a job doesn't come along then I would like to get married, that sounds so wrong.  I mean that I have wanted to get married and that still hasn't happened.  
  Then there is the problem of "racism".  First of all; I completely despise that word.  To me, there is no such thing as racism because we are all of the human race!  Yes, there are people in this world that have different skin colors - black, brown, tan, white, even olive skinned.  So what, so what if someone has a different skin color, that doesn't mean they get treated any differently.  I got new for everyone the white skinned people ARE NOT any better than any other skin color.  I don't understand hatred toward black Americans, I just don't.  To me, there is absolutely zero reason to hate a different skin color.
   I believe that we need to STOP TEACHING our children to HATE another person or group of people just because of their skin color.
HATRED is just flat out bad and we need to stop it.  God created us all, He didn't create one skin color to be supreme over another, that is just ridiculous.  He created us all equal, period end of story.
  Also, all thru our history there have been people who started slavery, who ended slavery and yet those same people are far from perfect.  I do know from my history lessons that there were plenty of black Americans that contributed a lot to move our country along in it's growth.

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