Sunday, November 15, 2020


11/15/20 -- Well now, where I live, we are now in the season of switching vehicles from one side of the street to the other on the even and odd days, this continues til midnight of March 31, next year. It has to do with the snow fall and the plows. When the vehicles are all on one side of the street, the other side can be completely cleared, then we are supposed to move them to the cleared side so the plows can then clear the side where the cars were moved from.  If we don't move our cars every day before midnight, we get a ticket for $20, for parking on the wrong side of the street.  As much as, I despise going out in the bitter wintery weather, its good to start the car every day to keep things moving and such, also it is good for me to get outside for the fresh air and a bit of vigorous exercise of clearing the car off and moving it.  Not necessarily my idea of total fun, but it kinda is annoyingly fun.

   Ok, I bet some of you are wondering where I stand or how I feel about this covid-19 illness that is making the rounds.  Well, this is actually the first "pandemic" in my lifetime.  There have been many others in our country's history, measles, smallpox, black plague, and yellow fever. I am sure there are others, I have forgotten, anyway.... There is quite a different in this one and the era we live in.  We, live in a time where travel is quite easy from state to state, city to city, town to town, and even country to country. Back in our history with those other communicable diseases, it took longer to get a neighbors house, let alone a town or city, so the disease was typically contained and often decimated an entire community.  Nowadays, because we have pretty easy access to other towns, cities, states, and countries, diseases like this will travel further and faster.  This is a virus that will morph and change just like the "so called regular flu".  That is why the "flu vaccine" has to be given every year: even then when the vaccines are made, they are guessing on the strains that will pop up each and every season.

  I feel like people haven't ever really taken precautions to slow down the spread of the normal flu, so why would they so anything they are told to slow down this virulent version?  Every winter, there are people that go to work, sick and don't use hand sanitizer on their hands after they have blown their noses, children aren't taught/made to sneeze into their elbows and aren't taught to blow their noses early enough, so they don't run around with noses running and wiping all over the place. That is simply gross.

  Now, I am not in total agreement with this wearing a mask/face covering because I don't 100% believe that they work.  Even the CDC has said that they are as effective as we have been told by many other sources.  I haven't worn a mask/face covering unless I am going to a smaller store where it's difficult to have the 6ft. spacing or if I know that I have to be in a place for a long period of time.  If I am going in and out quickly then I typically haven't been wearing them.  I don't like the masks because I feel like I am not breathing very well.  However, I will wear a bandanna or a neckgator when I get one of those.  

  I will tell you that if I am sick, I will not go out without a face covering of some sort.  I have no one, close to me, that can run my errands for me, so I usually have to do them myself.  However, I have been taking advantage of delivery services more now.  Like I can order and have my pet food and such delivered to me, I can order groceries online then pick them up, they are delivered to my car, which I am doing today, because of the pain and swelling in my toes and upper part of my left foot. 

  I DO NOT IGNORE the severity of the illness, however, I absolutely refuse to live in fear.  I have a God that is so much bigger than this illness, He is still in control of all that is going on.  I believe that He is allowing this illness for a reason, most likely to get EVERYONE'S  attention who hasn't committed their lives completely to HIM.

  Please please, stay safe and healthy.  Please keep in mind that your decisions also effect others around you, not just you.  We do not live in bubbles, our decisions do effect others, in a ripple effect.

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