Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rough almost week

9/23/15 -- The last week has been very difficult, mainly physically.  I had the final injection, of a series of three, last Thursday morning.  Typically, there are a few days afterwards that I am a little "gimpy" but not this time.  This time; by the end of the day Thursday, I could barely walk!  I was in so much pain and my ankle had swollen up so big along with being extremely tender that I could barely walk.  I ended up asking my Mentor to come over, because she is the closest that I could think of to ask, to help me get my supper finished up and brought to me.  I had managed, with extreme difficulty, to get it in the toaster oven for for cooking and on the stove for cooking but couldn't get up to bring into myself.  Thankfully she was able to come over to help me out.  I also had her help with a few minor things to help me in preparing for bed.  When she left I managed to get to bed.  I had gotten my crutches out from behind my bed and that is what I used for the next 3 full days.
  When I woke up on Friday morning and couldn't even walk with out my crutches and definitely NOT putting any weight on my left ankle, AT ALL!  I ended up calling into work and letting my boss know that there was absolutely, NO WAY that was going to be able to work.  I couldn't even put my ankle brace on let alone to touch my ankle.  I had to take Tramadol all day Friday and Saturday.  Thursday night was the worst because I could not find a comfortable position for my ankle to rest; Friday was just a smidge better only because I could actually rest my ankle on the Chais' Lounge without too much uncomfortablilty.  (like my new word?)   It really pissed me off that I had to call off work because of this because that meant not a full paycheck plus I couldn't get my check.  Oh, and naturally this occurs when I don't have that much, if any, food worth fixing in the condition that I was in.  
  When I texted my mom to let you know what was going on, she offered and ended up coming up to help out a little, before she had a lunch date with some lady friends from where she works.  While my mom was here I had her go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for me and a bag of cat food.  The not going to work thing, really put a kink in things!  So, I gave my mom a list of food, simple things, to pick up so that I could make it til Saturday, in the hopes that I would be getting around a little better.  Even tho I had prepared a head of time, and switched my cleaning day to the following Saturday, this coming Saturday, now.  Mom, picked up a rotisserie chicken and bought me lunch at Subway.  She sat a talked with me a while, as well.  Apparently, she put off my little sister this morning for the next day which would be Saturday.  My little sister wasn't too happy but tough, mom always, almost daily helps her out and/or visits her due the fact that she lives in my hometown, which is in the same town as my mom.  Then the rest of the day consisted of doing nothing but sitting with my ankle up and taking it easy: not really what I wanted to do but didn't have much of a choice.
   Sunday, I couldn't go to church because I was still pretty much using my crutches and working with little ones and crutches don't go very well.  I wasn't too happy with that but while letting someone know about it, she offered to go shopping for me and drop the food off, after church.  I was surprised by her offer, but it was great cause my plan was for her to pick up some very key items that would carry me thru most of the week, as I didn't know just how mobile I would be.  She ended up coming in the even rather that right after church, I suspect it was because of her little ones, which was fine.  I was very appreciative of her willingness to do that for me, that way my mom wouldn't have to come up to do it for me.  She said would if I needed her too.
  Monday,  I was able to go work, but I had to loosely put my brace on and I was still limping pretty badly.  I was able to walk, if you want to call it that, without the crutches.
When I got to work and after my boss was gone, I sent an my chart email to my orthopedic dr. letting him know about the extreme discomfort that I had been in, not as extreme on Monday.  The orthopedic Dr. was in surgery that day but I figured he would respond when he had the opportunity, if he did.  Thankfully he did and he got back to me around 4pm.  He said that this injection can cause inflammation and this what happened this time around for me.  He told me to keep it elevated and iced to help reduce the swelling.  I could call and/or see him the next day, as he would be in the office, if it was necessary.
I guess I missed that one of the "side effects" of this injection is inflammation.  Oh well, I know that now.  What a sucky weekend.

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