Saturday, March 10, 2018

Oh Brother cont......

3/10/18 -- I went to the Dr. for the follow up appt. and he is concerned that I can't stand on my left leg/knee because of the pain.  So, an MRI it is.  I am really hoping that there is nothing really wrong and that it will take time to heal.
    I gotta admit that I will take a painful knee as opposed to a smashed face.  I know that it was by the Grace of God that I was turned to the side to avoid the plate glass window.  I am betting that, that is how my left knee was twisted.  I heard once that anywhere your head goes your body will follow.  Well, I thoroughly believe that God directed my head away from that window, my body followed but maybe my knee wasn't in the correct position to follow so then it twisted. I am totally ok with that.
  Yesterday afternoon, my boss wheeled a new wheelchair into the room where I was working.  So, now I have a wheelchair to get around the building.  Also, I was informed that my time there will most likely end next Friday, as with the rest of the temps that are there.  That actually sucks but at the same time, it will allow my knee to heal correctly without having to be sitting all the time.  I will be able to recline and keep my leg level or elevated. 
  When I got back to work, on Wednesday, I was told that the whole plant got lectured due the the accident that I had along with the accidents that had apparently happened in previous weeks.  Too, many for the liking of the owners of the company.  Not only that, but my boss and his boss got in trouble because neither one of them were in the building at the time of my accident.  My boss had come an gone, throughout the day, and I had just seen him before I left for the day. However, he wasn't there and come to find out his boss wasn't there, either, so another plant boss was there with the women that were attending to me, til the EMTs got there.

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