Thursday, October 15, 2020


10/15/20 -- Sometimes life is just a pain in the butt!  I decided that I wanted to get a membership at the YMCA, rather than have it at Anytime Fitness.  The reason being, I very much prefer to swim versus walking.  So, I tome anytime fitness that I want my contract cancelled.  I knew there would be a cost, although I had forgotten.  Anyway, it's a $250 cancellation fee, which I think is a bit much, I guess because I think they shouldn't have a contract, at all, like the YMCA.  Anyway, I had made the necessary arrangements to pay the fee at the end of Sept. however I ended up not starting my job, til the 19th of this month.  I forgot to call anytime fitness and have them stop or put a hold on the money coming out of my account because I knew that there wasn't going to be enough for them to do anything with.  Well, guess what?!  They pulled the money out and now I am in the negative after I did call to put a stop to them taking the money out!  Then they go and take the monthly fee out, or try to, which then charges me a rather ridiculous fee for insufficient funds.

   Naturally, I called the bank then Anytime fitness, although I should have made the calls in reverse, Oh well. I am seriously hoping that the guy at Anytime Fitness was able to get their bank to reverse the funds and put a hold on taking anymore money out because if they keep trying the bank charges me a fee for insufficient funds which then put me in the negative even more.  So, when i get paid, I won't have enough to pay anything, let alone anytime fitness, because it's in automatic deposit.

   I haven't been in the negative, in my bank account, since I opened my very first account, many many years ago.  Things have changed on how that stuff is taken care of, too.   I seriously despise being in the negative, there quite awhile before I actually get my first paycheck and i am going to need cat litter, and gas money.  I think tho, that I can have my mom help me with both.  She could order the cat litter from chewy and have it sent to me, and just hand me the gas money, as she sometimes does.

   I was very successful in getting rid of all the stuff that I had sitting in bags and boxes.  I feel so much better in getting rid of that stuff, although I did find a box of books that i missed, in my coat closet.  I do have two boxes that I have to take a deal with.  One goes to the Kirby that my mom let me have and she didn't want back.  I took the attachments that she didn't want and I have a box with the rest of the attachments;  There is a guy up here, where I live, that takes vacuums and will either sell or get rid of, but he did tell me that the attachments are what he needs more than the actual vacuum.  The box of books I found, I don't mind taking to St. Vincent De Paul's resale store.  

   I gotta say that just a week and a half after thoroughly cleaning the hall and my bedroom carpet (including shampooing) I vacuumed again, and there was pretty much the same amount of dirt and cat hair on the floor.

  Since I started swimming, I have had more energy, more desire to get things cleaned up and maintain it.  The swimming has done a lot for my moral, as well.  I also know that not listening to the couple upstairs from me, complain about each other, is very helpful, 

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