Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Feeling better

 10/6/20 -- I was successful in getting a job. YAY!!! I am so thankful that I was successful, this time around.  I will be working from home, for a call center, for a company that is based here where I live.  I do have one more thing to purchase to enable me to work online; that is a usb headset, which will allow for me to take phone calls from the computer, and take orders.  I much prefer working from home, especially given that winter is coming up and I really despise going out and driving in the winter.  However, with my newish exercise routine I will be leaving the apt anyway.  

  My mom wanted me to get the membership at the YMCA, that I had talked to her about, so I did, with the money that she helped me out with.  Now, I have to keep it up.  The think is, I don't have to talk myself into going, I wake up with my alarm and even tho, I signed up to swim real early two days out of the week, I don't mind.  I actually look forward to swimming.  3 days of the week is a water aerobics class and the other 3 days is swimming laps and I use the water barbels.  Granted, I really only do the backstroke because I just can't seem to swim front crawl like i would have done when I was younger,  I could swim the front crawl with no problem, however, now it seems that with age, and the fact that my asthma, seems to be worse.  To go along with that I get a sense of panic, that as I get out of breath, so I just don't swim the front crawl.  I do use a noodle, it gives me an extra sense of security.  I do swim the back stroke, which is good and I use the noodle for that added security, in my head.

  I don't know what happened but I get a sense of panic when i can't touch the bottom of the pool, but not so bad that I can't swim to the deep end of the pool, swimming the whole length, that is.

  Anyway, since I started do this, swimming.  I have started feeling much better, in my mind, and my emotions.  Like, to the point of being motivated to actually get stuff accomplished in my apt.  Getting rid of stuff that has been sitting around waiting to be taken to GoodWill.  I did that last week.  I have cleaned my living room and shampooed the carpet from the door down the hallway, to the bathroom.  Yesterday, I cleaned my bedroom, which was in serious need of a cleaning and a vacuuming.  The next thing is to string the ethernet cord from the internet modem, in the living room, to my bedroom, where I will be working from.  I will get more silence, so to speak, in my bedroom.  I was given a very very long ethernet cord, which is plenty long enough to string from my living room into my bedroom and do it in such a way that it won't be tripped over and the cats won't be able to play with it.

  I will be able to continue going to the bible study for women, at the church I attend, that is 40 minutes way from me, too.  

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