Saturday, January 21, 2017

Unsettled Feeling

1/21/17 -- So, over the last, oh I don't know, couple of months-ish, I have had such an unsettled feeling.  Altho, I think this feeling has been going on longer than that.  I recently found out that the people that have been starting churches in my area, and I have been attending the "church" that they are having in their home.  They are moving to a city about an hour away from me.  Last, Sunday we were talking about moving on or on to different things.  During that conversation, I realize that I have been living in my current apartment for more than 3 years, which is beyond normal, because my normal time for living anywhere was 3 years.  I now really having nothing tying me to my current town.  Granted my parents live only a half and hour away and things are changing with them, as they age.  That is weird for me to admit, that my parents are aging, I guess because I never actually pictured that as ever happening.  Anyway, but I have to get on with my life, whatever that is.  I feel like a move is coming, however, not at all clear as to where that will be.  
I would like it to be marriage, yet this relationship that I am in, has been going sort of slowly.  Altho, slowly isn't a bad thing.  I am praying that if marriage is the course for me, then somethings should probably happen, change so that we can be together.
  You see, he works about 65+ hours, not including the occasionally Sunday that he has to work.  He is salary which means that he doesn't get paid for all those hours.  Granted, I don't know what he makes but salary just doesn't seem fair because he really doesn't have much of a life outside of his job.  I am really praying that if this man is who I am to marry, then he should want to make some sort of change, so that he can have a life, and a good marriage this time around.  Yes, he was married before, as was I, so I don't care about that.  This job or maybe it is just the company, that he works for, just doesn't allow for a family and a life outside of the job.  Long hours and 6-7 days a weeks is just wrong and exhausting.  It seems to me that he should have a couple days off a weeks given he puts in such long hours, over all.  I even jokingly, suggested that he play "hooky" to come for a visit today, then suggested that he come tonight after work, since he works tomorrow and goes in early on Mondays, which to me is wicked out, but that is what he does to prepare for the day/week.  We haven't seen each other for more than a couple of months, due to weather, sickness and just too busy since Sundays are typically the only day he has to do stuff at his home, for/with his mom and/or aunt plus try to fit in a visit to me, which is not always feasible.
  Anyway, I have been having issues with my big toe and the one next to it which causes pain on the ball of my foot right where my big toe and the next toe joints are, in the foot.  This issue really makes long term walking and standing very painful, after awhile.  I did go to the dr. who suggested putting a gel padding in my shoes which has helped relieve the pain, but hasn't completely alleviated the problem.  Therefore, I had to place a follow up call to the dr. to see what else he would want to do.  We originally discussed a medrol pack, which is a steroid pack to reduce and hopefully eliminate the inflammation plus he suggested possibly an MRI to really see what is going on.  The problem is that he wasn't in the office when I called on Thursday, so I have to wait til Tuesday.  I don't get it, my mom has issues with her knees and I have been having issues with my ankles and feet, opposite sides but its weird.

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