Friday, March 31, 2017

Still Nothing

3/31/17 -- So, I still don't have a job.  The "slim hope" I thought I had is gone.  I never got the second interview, let alone the job.  I had another interview at a different place and so far nothing has come from that.  It was as a result of applying on a Temp. job site.  
  I have started back at the family that I was working for before, they called me back and since I had nothing else come up, I pretty much had to take it.  I have mixed feelings on this because I don't trust her anymore, and I can't take the instability anymore.  I was something more stable and where I do a little more than just barely stay above water, financially.
   I had a real nice and partially surprising visit from a very close and dear friend of mine.  This woman and her husband moved from this town several years ago but we have stayed in touch.  I have gone for visits and she was very instrumental in my recovery from the deep, chronic depression.  Anyway, her and her husband came for a visit as they were already gonna be in town for an appt. to get their taxes done.  (something I have yet to do myself)  The surprise part of this visit was; the morning before they headed into town, she texted me requesting a list of groceries that I either need or would need.  Now, mind you, she isn't some one that I argue with, just because she will win. 😉
  Now, when they got to my place her and her husband had a number of grocery bags, with food and some paper products even a bag of cat food.  She also brought some flowers which I have had to leave either cover with the bag they came in or sitting out on my deck in a vase, of course, but to keep my cat from eating the flowers.  I can't even communicate
just how much their delivery/visit meant to me.  She also left me a card that had a surprise in it, something that I was most definitely able to put to good use.
  To me she is the symbol of a true friend.  I don't have too many people in my life that I can honestly say are my true friends.  She is most definitely the only one that I can say that about.  She makes me feel so much apart of her family when I go and visit -- there was one visit where I stayed there for 3 full days and it was a very relaxing time for me.  I slept a lot and spent a lot of time just reading and resting.  I felt so refreshed when I had to come home.  I have to admit, I really didn't want to come home because I could have used more R&R but I needed to get home.  My cats needed me and I did need to return to go back to work, the next day.  Anyway, she allowed me to get the rest that I needed at that time.
   So, going to work today was going to be short due to keeping within the hours that I know that the man of the house, wants to pay me:  anyway I got there and she immediately tells me the negative stuff that her fiancee, allegedly said about her meal last night.  That just sets me off on a not so good mood or frame of mind because nothing gets "under my skin" more than when a man "cuts a woman down" for something that she tried to do.  I have thought about it since being home, and remembered that she doesn't always tell me the complete truth.  Any how, I didn't treat anyone badly, I quickly put together spaghetti using the left over chicken breasts from their dinner, last night.  I told her that was their supper for tonight and she could put together a salad and other veggies.  I also told her that if "her man" wasn't happy then he could get a second helping of the spaghetti and salad or he can fix himself something else instead of ordering or going to get something from a restaurant!  He seems to conveniently forget that she isn't that experienced and doesn't know how to read that well, so telling her to start using the cook book he bought her.  I told her that he needs to sit down with her and help her to choose recipes out of that cook book because he's the one that seems to have issues with what she cooks. They both need to menu plan together that way there is enough food for him at every meal.  It seems that he thinks that he needs to eat more than anyone that I know.  When in actuality he can go for seconds or add bread to his meal.  Goodness know they always have plenty of pasta and bread in the house.  I honestly don't know if he did say anything all that negative or not.  This is why I don't know how much I can handle of this household.

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