Thursday, March 2, 2017


3/2/17 -- What a weird couple of days.  Yesterday, I went back to the GYN for a recheck and all is good.  Apparently, I have a skin condition that this cream is the only thing that seems to clear it.  Thankfully, it can't turn cancerous or anything bad like that.
  Sunday night I had the most difficult night of sleep - I woke up with stuffed up nose and couldn't breathe properly if at all.  Couple that with two stupid/scary dreams.  Amazing what our minds can obsess about even if you think that you aren't.  My "time of the month" started and I was concerned as to whether that would interfere with the recheck or not.  I did call and inquire it was fine so long as it wasn't too heavy. 
  Then I had a borderline scary dream, that went a good chunk of the night, it was one of those dreams that made you kind of afraid of going back to sleep.  I truly despise it when my mind wonders into things that I shouldn't be worrying about.
   The recheck came out better than what my mind was thinking it would.  I don't know why my thoughts were going to the worst when it really wasn't all that serious, just on the surface. 
  Then last night was another night where I really only slept for 4 hours.  This time I woke up with something on my mind that just wouldn't go away.  I had a conversation with someone, while I was a church helping out AWANA, that conversation seems to have really stuck with me.  I don't even know why, specifically, anyway.  The things that she told me do bother me tho, because it just seems to be that people aren't as easy to befriend as what it seems they should be.  I don't know what it is, but cliques are just a pain in the rear simply because when an outsider and new people come it, they can't seem to break in.  I have had that experience when I entered the one church I was attending, it just seems so strange that people can't seem to practice  what they are preached.

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