Monday, April 3, 2017


4/3/17 -- Gotta love this weather.  This time of year is pretty irritating, at times.  I love this weather, NOT! 😉  The lack of sun light, not covered by clouds, can be testing for anyone.  I end up leaving my lamps on, all day long, just so it's not so dark in my living room.  I also leave both by lamps on in my bedroom.  I have LED bulbs in all my lamps so my electric bill won't go up.
  My job, right now, is ok.  I am keeping this young woman at a distance because I don't quite trust her, like I did.  Also, I know that this job isn't going to be permanent because I am looking for another job and his goal for her is to be able to manage the household alone, while he is at work.  I am also helping her to work towards being able to manage the household while her man is at work.  I am pretty much encouraging her to make the most of my time there.  I have to stay within 20hrs so I had to let her know the hours that I am working this week, so that I can work the 8hrs she wants on Friday.  Which means that my hours are different than it was last week.  I have to adjust according to what is going on in the week but the most I can work is 4hrs a day for 5days a weeks.
  The next thing I have to be sure that I get done is taxes.  I have one more form that i have to get before I can do them.  I was sort of planning on having a professional do them, but I don't have the money for a professional do them.  I guess I will have to do them myself, online.  Hopefully, I will get the state back in enough time to pay something that is due the end of this month, but I doubt, considering they usually mail me a paper check.
   Has anyone heard of Lularoe?  It is a line of clothing that is sold out of people's home.  They are a faith-based company that treats their employees fairly and well.  Anyway, their is someone in my town that has started selling these clothes.  They had an open house on Saturday.  I went to try on some clothes so I could see the different patterns, styles and how the sizes would fit on me.  Wow, what a variety!  The material is so soft and comfortable, I just couldn't believe it.  I tried on a small variety of outfits and ran across one that just looked wonderful on me, so that was like a wish list type deal, since I didn't have money, to purchase it, at that time.  Well, to my surprise, after I had put my own clothes back on and took the clothes back on their right hangers, and walked out of the room, I was handed a bag with the clothes in it that looked so good on me.  One of the women that is co-owning this business, bought the outfit for me because she just wanted me to have it.  It is one of the first times that I have felt beautiful.  The great things about these clothes is they are versatile.  The top that I got is "dressy" and casual at the same time.  I am in semi-desperate need of updating my wardrobe, my casual wardrobe, mainly.  I like need some new pants and shirts, these clothes are so awesome that I really want to get some more of them.  I will most definitely have to go one shirt, leggings, top at a time.  Versatile like; the skirt that starts at the waist and also be pulled up to my chest (like a halter dress) and still be down to my calf, then put different top over  it.

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