Thursday, November 15, 2018


11/15/18 -- I still haven't gotten a job that can fill in the couple of days that I have open in the morning til about 2pm. Oh well, not for lack of trying but then getting discouraged, so then quitting looking.
  The so so news it that I am paying some rent, which makes me feel better because I am not getting to live here completely free.  The amount of rent is based on the one job that I have that is paying me decently enough to include as income on my recertification for rent.  The second job is just gas money, I only work a couple of hours a day for 4 days a week, so they pay me gas money.  They can't afford to pay me much and I am not out to break anyones budget.
  I really do like my "new to me" car.  There is so much of a spacial difference in the Nissan compared to the Buick.  Aside from that it is fine.  I really like that I can lock and unlock the car by using the fob that came with the keys.  I do have to do an oil change on this vehicle, but I can't quite afford to do it right now.
  I am still struggling with emotions because my son still hasn't been able to make it so that I can come for a visit.  To make things worse, he isn't communicating with me to keep me posted on what is going on, as far as, how busy his is or Leesa is, and stuff like that.
I am doing my best to not dwell on it and get to frustrated.  I am really hoping that they can figure something out that we can spend some time together during this holiday season.  I really just want to spend time with my family, most importantly my grandchildren.

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