Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day by Day....

6/14/16 -- These last two days at work have been strange - chiefly because "J" was home but him and "C" had errands to run so I was there so they could do that.  "J" took two days off work so they could take care of errands, I guess.  Doesn't make sense to me but I am working and still getting paid, so complaining I am not. 😇
  So far "C" has been doing pretty good - yet she does still have issues with staying focused and staying on one task at a time and as far as I know she isn't ADHD or anything like that.  I believe it has something to do with her mental condition.  Otherwise, things have been going fine.  Their boys do pretty good at listening to me, what I don't understand is why they don't carry the same type of "boundary establishment" to heart when I am not there.  That is all those boys really need, is to know what they can and cannot do and the consequences if they cross that line.
  The other night I had this very rough night sleeping and it was because of this recurrent dream that I keep having.  I don't get it -I have had this dream on several occasions and I can't quite figure out why and what it has to do with anything.  However, I have figured out that this dream may have something to do with the question that my Counselor left me with in the end of our session, last week.  The dream is me and others in a school and sometimes I find my way out of this building, with ease: other times I have a very, very difficult time finding my way out, of this building.  This building is a maze and the getting out isn't that difficult but every time I have this dream it is the same exact thing.  One thing that I have noticed; is that when I find my way out easily, I am alone, and when I can't find my way out easily there are always other people around me having the same issues.  During the difficult times, there is always someone that comes out and guides out out of the building but it is always at the last possible second, before the building is closed down for the night.
  I have been contemplating a question that my counselor left me with til this week, one that he wanted me to think about and we would discuss this week.  The thing is, I have't discovered the answer to the question.  I did have something dawn on me earlier this afternoon as I was working thru a bible study.  The fact that my son and I have had the exact same thing happen - meaning that when I met his dad it was a "not so smart" time in my life and I allowed a man to pull me off the course that God had for me - not realizing it of course, til many years down the line.  The same thing has happened to my son - he was on a certain course, with God, til he meets this woman who manages to pull him off course, as well.  I thought that was a rather interesting "light" that dawned on me and shocked me as well. 

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