Saturday, August 5, 2017

Not Sure

8/5/17 -- I had mentioned that my little sister is in a skilled care facility about a half an hour from my mom.
  I am conflicted as to the quickness of the release of my sister.  She had been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks and when mom got the call that they had found a place and that she was being sent there, that day, (being yesterday).  I was more than shocked because I feel like it's just too soon to release her to anywhere.  She has been dealing with a stomach ache of sorts and they hadn't been able to figure out why.  They thought is was because of a injection that she had been receiving in the stomach but they switched that to the arm, so the injection isn't the issue.  So, what is?  The Drs released her without really knowing what the cause of her stomach ache is.  That really bothers me, yet mom says they did all they could, so they had no choice but to release her.  Also, I am not totally convinced that she is well enough to be released, but I guess since I am not a dr. so who am I to decide whether she is well enough or not? Hmmmmm
   There has been some very difficult times in the last couple of weeks.  I have been dealing with some sadness, to the point of not really caring whether my apartment is clean or not.  I sent my accountability partner an email and my Counselor a myChart email to let them both that I have been struggling.  I much rather utilize my resources of prayer and encouragement then to let myself get way too down.  Thankfully, my prayer partner responded with an encouragement email; letting me know that she would be praying for me, as well.
 My Counselor's office responded letting me know that she wasn't in the office but they would forward to the on call psychologist. The on-call psychologist responded with much encouragement, too.  For some reason, that was the "shot in the arm" that I needed.  I don't get it but when someone reminds you that you are stronger than you think and to utilize the tools that I have, I will be fine; is so encouraging.
  I know that God knows exactly what I am going thru/dealing with, so He knows what I need.  I just need to stay in the zone of God and not allow my mind to sink to that low point, ever!
  I gotta say being broke and living on my own is something that I enjoy.  I really much rather be working, at the same time, I wish I had a stash of money somewhere that I wouldn't have to work, therefore not in close to desperate need of money to take care of bills.  Alas, money stashed somewhere is a "pipe dream" of mine, there really isn't any and I have to work.

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