Monday, January 19, 2015

Keep on living

1/19/15 -- Well, can't seem to shake this cold or whatever.  Still, or should I say, I have started again (a couple of days ago) blowing my nose more) then of course the coughing to go along with it.  The coughing is the most annoying for me because I am so sick and tired of coughing.  Then of course my asthma is acting up again.  Last night seemed to last forever because I woke up twice for sure coughing so I woke up later than I thought I would, which is fine because I didn't have to work. Yep, was informed last night that the people that my boss was suppose to go and paint their house, they can't seem to settle on a paint color for their house [or the rooms in the house] so he didn't have to go to work, which then of course I wasn't needed.  This really sucks, I really have nothing to fall back on, no cash to fall back on, like a savings account.  This really can play havoc with your emotions if you let it.  Thankfully, I have a project that I have started on, for a wedding that is coming up in March.  I did have to make a trip to my less than favorite store, Walmart.  I had to have some yarn, and plastic canvas, plus some food so unfortunately, I did my shopping all at that store, or most of it.
I did have to stop at one other grocery store for a few things that Walmart didn't have, but that was fine.
     Took a quick break for a trip to the chiropractor, boy I needed the adjustment! My right half was out{right hip and knee}, my neck was out of whack thanks to the way I have caught myself sleeping a couple different times over the holiday weeks.  Then I had to eat supper and work a little on my project.  I haven't heard from my boss, not a good thing, not a good thing at all!  I really don't know what to do, I am trying to be trusting in God, trying really hard.  This is really testing a lot for me because I just want to jump and ask for help but yet I don't want to.  Not only that but it is a test of my emotional well being because I really hate just not working, I mean I could be helping Youth Pastor's wife but her children aren't that healthy and honestly neither am I.  My asthma is acting up and I have some sort of a cold, a mild one or something.  It just dawned on me that I actually have an appt. with my pulmonary dr. on Wednesday, that is a very good thing.  Maybe, just maybe he can make sense out of what has/is going on with my asthma.  It isn't just the job thing that is weighing on me or my son, it is this cough, driving me nuts.  This hasn't helped my headache, it has been ever present altho not intense because of the topomax.

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