Monday, February 2, 2015

Enjoying Life

2/2/15 -- We had quite the snow storm yesterday, not the worst ever but enough to keep my boss from driving home from his girl friend's house, who lives an hour and a half away.  It was snowing and blowing something fierce, gusts of wind up to like 30mph.  No church at either location, out of town or the local church.  That actually made it easier because I was't going to go because I have limited amount of gas and money and need to reserve what I have right now.  So, no work today cause my boss isn't home yet but when he texted me said that he would let me know about Tuesday when he got home today.
  When I got paid on Friday tho, I am totally short!  I had to pay rent and send off a tax payment but I don't have much money for gas or food.  I can make do with what I have for a little while but that isn't going to last long.  The only thing that I am going to try to do is believe that God will provide what I need to get thru this week and provide jobs for my boss to work which in turn will allow for me to work.
     Well, I guess having off today will allow me to get of my a@& and do some cleaning.  I am actually going to have to leave my TV off and put my iTunes on and clean.  When I have the TV on it is too stickin easy to get distracted and end up watching it, so leave off the "idiot box" and turn on some music which will allow for me to clean.  I will have to move my car again, but oh well.  I do need to get my apartment clean, it has been awhile since I have truly cleaned my apartment.  It isn't filthy dirty or anything but I haven't given it a total clean up in a while.  I need to do that, there is an apartment inspection coming up so that is a reason that I need to do that.  I have an oven and a fridge that I have been procrastinating about cleaning; both of which I don't like to spend a lot of time cleaning but they need it.
   There was one commercial that I saw that I immediately thought of my son.  It was the trailer for Fast and Furious 7.  It is the last in the series because Paul Walker - one of the co-stars was killed in an accident like 2 years ago, during the filming of this movie.  This movie doesn't look like it will disappoint in the way of action.  I think one of Paul's brother's filled in to finish the movie.  My son and I both really like these movies but I haven't seen the 6th in this series so I want to watch that one.  You know I would love to see this movie with my son, when it is released this spring/summer.  I doubt that will ever happen, tho.

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