Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Serious migraine story

12/10/14 -- {Sept.- Oct.} This headache was unlike anything that I had every experienced, in my life.  I have a high pain tolerance but when it comes to a headache, that is a whole other story.  When I have a headache, that has to be GONE, like yesterday! I just can't handle headaches, much at all, especially the ones that I get. They seem to be pretty intense.  Well, this one was the most intense that I have experienced!  When I am light headed and my balance is very off, that is a problem.  My friend D came and took me to the emergency room, she even called from her car, to have a nurse come out with a wheelchair, to wheel me in; which was a good idea.  I only had to answer a few questions then they wheeled me right back to a room.  I had given D my boss's number so she could call to let him know that I wouldn't be into work that day and why.
     In the meantime, I was in a room getting questioned and examined by a nurse then a doctor.  They first tried a pain medication that I have taken, "norco" before, they gave it about an hour or so, plus an ct scan was done, since that had already been ordered and approved by Dr. S and insurance.  The trip to the ct room was a rather dizzying experience, literally!  They had to slide me off the bed onto the table then back onto the bed, after the ct scan because I was afraid that I would pass out!  Once I was returned to my room, the Pastor showed up. I had texted him to let hm know where I was but didn't expected him to show up! I was surprised, he prayed with me then moved on to go visit someone upstairs. Right before he left, my attending doctor come running in because he heard about my dizzying experience to and from the ct scan. Again, he tested me for stroke, then left me alone for a little while.  Then the Pastor left.  A little while later the attending doctor came in and did another assessment and decided to give an IV with fluids and included a narcotic to nock down the headache.  That is exactly what it took, a narcotic to nock it back plus I was given something for my interpretation of dizziness.  I was in the ER for 6 hours just to figure things out and get the headache under control.
  D took me home after taking me for lunch and making sure I was going to be ok. I did end up with a script for Meclizine to take of the dizziness that seems to be accompaning this headache.
  I did see Dr. S who ordered an MRI after getting approval because that can see thing the ct scan can see of the brain, just to rule out a stroke in a part of the brain unseen by the ct scan or a tumor or something. The MRI did come out negative which means that this is an accumulative stress related headache(in my mind).  Dr. S really didn't say yay or nay to that but he didn't have any other explanation but he was trying to help me come up with solutions to relieve the pain.  We came up with immitrex for quick relief but then he wanted me to consider Topamax-he gave me the run down on the side effects, one of which struck me as funny, yet kinda scared me. I discussed this with D but she vehemently against it (the nurse part of her) I check it out for myself. I prayed about it and sought out council just to be sure I was on the right path because I just could deal with the pain and I knew I couldn't be continue taking  immitrex.  Topamax is migraine preventer once it is in your system and the side effects subside one it's in your system.
   I am taking the Topamax which has really help to relieve the headache, the only time it doesn't seem to help is when stress is higher than normal. That stress level has only happened once, that was the day of my baby granddaughter's 1st birthday party.  I never suffered any of the negative side effects to which I am very thankful.

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