Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My mom

12/31/14 -- My mom came up yesterday and we went to lunch.  We talked the whole time - this one of the days she had off she had so she came up to visit, we do that.  She only lives like a half an hour away.  My dad is retired and is a pain in the rear to her, so she wanted to break up her days off up, plus she planned on helping me out a little bit.  I showed her the the Special stuff boxes I made for my granddaughters and the doll that she helped me get for my baby granddaughter.  Mom stayed for several hours, it's always nice when she comes to visit.
   When I woke up this morning, I realized that I do have to get busy making the next Keepsake box for the next wedding gift that is coming up in March.  The box will not take a long time to make but  that it is composed of a lot of pieces, the pattern will be pretty easy.  The box is what will be pretty challenging tho, I want to put it together a little bit differently than T & C's wedding.  I think tho that I will be able to make a couple of other things in between that box.  I have so many ideas it isn't funny.  Some of what I want to make are small things with simple but meaningful little sayings that go along with the some of the songs that have been uplifting to me.
     I gotta admit depression/sickness just don't got together; depression/sickness/loneliness don't go together; depression/sickness/loneliness/winter don't go together; add to that the holidays and you can totally have a mess.  It truly is how you deal with it. That is the key, I certainly am not going to "preach" to handle it any one way because everyone is different and because for all the so called strength I thought I had, I failed miserably, myself.  The cross between being sick, not working all last week and knowing that I wouldn't be working all this week, and knowing that there was a strong possibility that I wouldn't see my granddaughters even for a short time this holiday season, made for a very down and even spiraling week/struggling week last week.  The week didn't start off very strong this week either but better knowing that my mom was coming up this week made it somewhat better and gave me something to look forward to.  Also, one of my friends actually contacted me, she and her hubby had been sick since Christmas.  By the way, it was a good thing that I wasn't working because of being sick, just not good for the pocketbook.  I am so glad that the sun is shining today and the even tho it is cold now, I have to go out and get some errands taken care of.
     I do want to say it is ok to feel however and/or whatever you feel.  Don't let anyone ever tell you that it's not ok.  Your feelings are valid no matter what they are.  Please tho, if you are angry be constructive in how you demonstrate it, please don't take your anger out on others or yourself.  Take up boxing or running or something along those lines that will allow you to constructively vent those types of feelings without hurting yourself or others.  Anger is a valid emotion but taking it out on other or yourself just isn't proper or right, when you do that you are not only hurting yourself but you are hurting the people around you.  Please try to remember that there are ramifications or ripple effects that happen after you have done something out of anger that either you and/or others will have to deal with regardless of your mental status.  I know, I know easier said than done, believe me I know.  We all have our breaking points and I have come close to mine a few times but I don't know what I would do if I would actually reach mine.

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