Monday, December 29, 2014

Perfect timing

12/29/14 -- It's interesting how I was giving advice yet having a difficult time following my own advice. HaHa.  As I have been sick, so have my friends been sick, at least the ones that live here, close to me.  There seems to be some sort of virus that has struck quite a number of people and affected them in different ways and knocked them out for a week or more.  Kinda hard to talk to people when they are sick.  Then of course whatever I got has affected my voice so it's kinda hard to talk at all.  I guess I should say, kinda hard for them to talk to you when they are sick.  Here I am sort of feeling sorry for myself or at the very least battling with that, altho I know from chatting with a friend via Facebook messenger that there are a number of people that are sick.  What a great time of year to be sick, the time when people don't want to be sick, is christmas.
  Totally amazing the things that run thru your mind when you are sitting watching tv and working on your project.  The last gift is almost done, altho I still don't know if or when I am going to give the gifts to the girls.
   I text my mom a Happy Birthday to my dad, since yesterday was my dad's birthday.  My dad didn't think it was his birthday, he didn't realize that it was December 28th.  Mom said that he has lost track of time.  I totally believe that my dad is depressed, I just wish that he would admit it and get some help.  He is a man, a "man's man" and is too macho to admit that he has issues.  Since dad retired has been behaving like this.  To top it all off, he has been trying to control mom, she hasn't been allowing to do so, as best as she can.  Dad has been retired for about 10 years, give or take.  There are things around the house that he could do, he could slowly get rid of the tools and such in the basement and in the garage plus a bunch of other stuff, yet he doesn't.  He could even get a part-time job, but he doesn't.  I am concerned about him but I don't know what to do, he is even more stubborn than I know I can be.  He has access to stuff that I don't and I just don't want my mom to come home to a shock, from work.  I know that I can't really help my dad because he has to be willing to admit that he has a problem.  So, I just keep praying for him.
    I just opened my living room blinds - oh what a perfectly gloomy day! Just what is needed to help perk up the mood!  N0T!  This is another one of those days where conserving electricity absolutely goes out the window!  Almost every light is on it the apartment, definitely in the living room.  I am planning on calling the doctor to see if I can get in to make sure that I have nothing more going on with my lungs.  I am not so much concern about my voice altho it is weird that my voice is affected by whatever is going on. 

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